University Human Resources

To: All faculty, staff, and students


Kevin Kregel, executive vice president and provost
Cheryl Reardon, chief human resources officer and associate vice president
Sarah Hansen, vice president for student life
Tiffini Stevenson Earl, ADA coordinator and senior director of the Office of Civil Rights Compliance
Monique DiCarlo, Title IX coordinator and director of the Office of Civil Rights Compliance

Intent: Inform all University of Iowa faculty, staff, and students of the institution's policies on discrimination, harassment, and abuse. Please review the information below and bookmark the websites for future reference.

Date: Sept. 10, 2024

The University of Iowa is committed to fostering a welcoming and respectful environment for all who join the UI community through the following policies and statements. Policy notifications such as this are required by federal law.

Title IX

The federal Title IX statute prohibits sex discrimination in all facets of university life, including academic matters; admissions; athletics; career services; counseling and medical services; employment; financial aid; housing and facilities; and all other university programs, events, and activities.

The UI takes all reports of discrimination seriously, including reports of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.

Questions regarding Title IX, including its application and concerns about noncompliance, should be directed to Title IX coordinator Monique DiCarlo, 455 Van Allen Hall, 319-335-6200,

To submit a report about sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, dating/domestic violence, or stalking, please contact the Office of Civil Rights Compliance.

For the full text of the federal Title IX statute, visit the U.S. Department of Labor website.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct

The UI does not tolerate sexual harassment or sexual misconduct.

View the complete policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct and Procedure for Alleged Violations of the Policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Misconduct.

The university relies on a group of administrators to assist in handling complaints. If you have questions or concerns about sexual harassment or sexual misconduct –including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, or related retaliation – please call 319-335-6200 or any academic or administrative officer of the university, as defined in the anti-harassment policy.


Acts and threats of violence are serious violations of university policy. To review the complete policy, please see Chapter 10 in the Community Policies section of the UI Policy Manual.

Physical and Sexual Abuse of Children

In addition to underage students, children are often on our campus as participants in a variety of programs and activities or as visitors. 

Consistent with Iowa Code 262.9(37), all university employees who, in the course of their employment, receive information related to physical or sexual abuse of children must immediately report the information to the Office of Campus Safety. In the case of incidents not on the Iowa City campus, local police should also be called to avoid any delay in response.

University employees who are mandatory reporters of all forms of child abuse (not only physical or sexual abuse) under state law must also fulfill their statutory obligation to report to the Department of Human Services as provided by Iowa Code 232.67-70.

University employees, students, and visitors who are not mandatory reporters may, and are strongly encouraged to, report all forms of child abuse directly to the Department of Human Services as outlined in Iowa Code 232.67-70.

The complete university policy can be found in Chapter 15 in the Community Policies section of the UI Policy Manual.

Consensual Relationships Involving Students

Sexual or romantic relationships between a student and a faculty or staff member who functions in an instructional context with the student are prohibited. To review the complete policy, please see Chapter 5 in the Community Policies section of the UI Policy Manual.


The purpose of this policy is to prevent harassment within the university community and to provide a process for addressing all forms of harassment. To review the complete policy, please see Chapter 14 in the Community Policies section of the UI Policy Manual.


The university encourages its faculty, staff, and students to make good-faith disclosures of university-related misconduct. Retaliation as a response to such disclosure will not be tolerated. To review the complete policy, please see Chapter 11 in the Community Policies section of the UI Policy Manual.

Human Rights

The university is committed to the principle of equal opportunity including access to facilities. Differences in treatment are prohibited when based on race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, pregnancy (including childbirth and related conditions), disability, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran, service in the U.S. military, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preferences. To review the complete policy, please see Chapter 3 in the Community Policies section of the UI Policy Manual.