Today our local school districts are announcing temporary suspension of classes, which follows the governor’s advice as part of the state’s response to stop the spread of community transmission of COVID-19. This will understandably have a direct impact on many of us with children. These decisions, while difficult, are necessary to keep our community safe.


As university employees, we have one resource at the ready. Information about just-in-time child care resources can be found on the university website.


We are exploring options with both internal and external partners to expand the child care services available to our own employees. New community resources are forming now. We need a little time to get things operational, but we at least wanted to let you know the wheels are in motion.


I’m confident we’ll find some solutions together because we take care of our family, so you can take care of yours.


Suresh Gunasekaran
Chief Executive Officer, University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
Associate Vice President, University of Iowa Health Care