Spring Attendance Class List Reminder

Office of the Registrar

Spring 2023 Attendance Due

Calendar icon Feb. 16 | 5 p.m.

Submit Attendance in MAUI right arrow

This email is meant only as a reminder; please disregard this message if you have already submitted your attendance list. Attendance lists are available on the My Courses dashboard (instructors) and Course Grades dashboard (instructor delegates).

Spring 2023 attendance class lists are open for editing and submission in MAUI. Instructors must submit attendance for each undergraduate student appearing on the class list. Submit your spring 2023 attendance class list no later than 5 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 16. Step-by-step attendance submission instructions are available on the MAUI Help site.

Attendance corrections are available in MAUI prior to the deadline. After attendance lists are closed, email non-attendance corrections to osfa-attendance@uiowa.edu to restore financial aid eligibility 

If your course begins after the attendance deadline or if final grades are open for final grade entry (or have already been submitted), your attendance list does not need to be submitted. We would assume in those instances, as well as in off-cycle courses, instructors are notifying students regarding attendance issues.

Academic Engagement

Academic Engagement by a student includes, but is not limited to:

  • Attending asynchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the instructor and students;
  • Submitting an academic assignment;
  • Taking an assessment or an exam;
  • Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction;
  • Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution;
  • Interacting with an instructor about academic matters.


Email reg-maui-support@uiowa.edu for assistance with understanding academic engagement and reporting attendance.

Email osfa-attendance@uiowa.edu for assistance with understanding financial aid requirements.

Additional Information

Institutional Accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission

As a federally recognized accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) is required to assure that member institutions are meeting their Title IV program responsibilities as well as complying with specific regulations accreditors must enforce as a part of their recognition by the U.S. Department of Education.

The University of Iowa is allowed to require attendance once and still be considered an institution that does not take attendance. To establish federal financial aid eligibility, students must attend all registered classes at least once during the first ten days of each semester. If instructors report a student as not attending, financial aid may be canceled or reduced.

A Note from the Office of Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid does not want to cancel aid for students who are participating in academic engagement but whose instructors did not verify this activity. If a student participates in only one activity, they should be reported as attending even if this doesn't meet the course expectations. If instructors initially report a student as not attending and then the student participates in an academic activity, the instructor can email osfa-attendance@uiowa.edu to certify the attendance for the student for financial aid purposes.

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