Career Center Connection

Hello Hawkeyes!

A big black & gold welcome to campus to you all! We know you’re busy with the start of the school year, but we’re super excited to tell you all about the ways you can connect with the Pomerantz Career Center this semester.

Utilizing Career Center services should be a must during your college experience to ensure you have every resource available to you to gain the skills and experience you need to succeed after graduation.

Each month the Career Center will send you a newsletter like this that will have important reminders, tips, and resources. Make sure to read to the end to get the full benefits of these newsletters!


Looking for a campus job this semester?

Make plans to attend our Student Employment Job Fair on Wed., Aug. 24 from 11am-2pm in the IMU Main Lounge! See the list of current campus jobs hiring right now!


Register your internship before September 21

Have you landed an internship for Fall 2022?
Make sure you get the credit you deserve for the experience you will gain!

See All Directions and Deadlines for registering your internship.


At Your Service...

Choosing a major and a career path is one of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime, but you don't have to do it alone.


Meet Your Career Coaches

Meet the Career Coaches

Our team of friendly and knowledgeable Career Coaches are eager to meet with you as you explore your career interests and look for experiences to build your resume. Whether you’re wondering what career options exist for your major, searching for an internship, or wanting to improve your interview skills - we are here to help! You can schedule an appointment (either in-person or virtually) on MyUI.

Meet Your Peer Advisors

Meet the Career Peer Advisors

For quick career assistance, meet with our awesome team of Peer Advisors during our drop-in hours of 10am-2pm, M-F.

Our Peer Advisors can help you with starting your resume, reviewing a resume draft, and navigating Handshake and our website.



Handshake Help

Get Connected with Handshake on Day 1

Handshake is the University of Iowa's #1 student career portal available to all Hawkeyes. Utilizing Handshake is ESSENTIAL to provide the best access to thousands of career-related opportunities, jobs, and internships during your time here at Iowa. Be sure to take time and login, upload your resume, and publish your profile as soon as you can. Thousands of employers use Handshake each day to post positions and recruit students like you. 

What are Career Communities?

We offer 10 Career Communities that will allow you to explore occupations, learn about student organizations and volunteer opportunities, and find job and internship listings. Career communities are organized by career fields and industries, so Instead of asking, What can I do with a major in              ?, start by asking, What work environments and job duties interest me?.  

If you are an open major and unsure of your interests, all of our career communities allow for exploration. If you have multiple interests, you may select more than one career community.



if you’re an open major, don’t worry – taking one of our career assessments is a great first step to discovering what you like.  

Career assessments are designed to help you understand how your personal attributes impact potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments. 

Visit our Exploring Majors & Careers to read all about it and find more resources to making that big decision.

Student Spotlight...


Hannah Yerly, Lab Sciences Intern, Mayo Clinic

Biomedical Science Major

“I am extremely grateful to have learned about countless hematologic malignancies and their underlying genetic causes firsthand, while simultaneously improving my laboratory skills in a clinical setting. I have learned what it means to put the needs of the patient first, and how this organization aims to constantly to improve healthcare.” 


Know someone who deserves a spotlight?

Email and let us know

Mark your calendar!

All Majors Career Fair – Thurs., Sept. 22 (look for our Sept. newsletter for career fair prep and tips)

And make sure to check out all the career events happening this semester!

There's so much more at

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