This is a friendly follow up reminder to our initial email contact with you on December 14, 2020.
Departments that have already submitted their Spring 2021 final exam assignment needs through MAUI may disregard this reminder. Spring 2021 final exam assignment needs must be submitted by each department no later than the above deadline by using the "Exam Needs" submission application in MAUI. Each department should fill out the form for all undergraduate and graduate courses to which they are department home. If a course does not require a final exam date/time from the Registrar's Office, or will be scheduling their exam with the Division of Online Education, please indicate that the course will not have a final exam in the "Exam Needs" application.
Spring 2021 Final Exam Dates
Final exam week is May 10-14, 2021.
Instructions and Policies
Instructions and scheduling policies are located on the Office of the Registrar's website.
Incomplete and Late Submissions
Please be aware by submitting incomplete or no information, you may be unnecessarily tying up exam resources which are needed by others.
Requests made after the schedule has been published will require written approval from the Chair/DEO and the Dean of the department responsible for the course. All requests must include the curricular justification for the late addition or release. Note: Course sections granted final exam assignments after the schedule has been published are responsible for administering makeup final exams regardless of exam precedence rules.
COVID-19 Information
Remember: In light of COVID restrictions, please note the following with regard to in-person final examination assignments:
- Any final exam section with 50+ enrollment will be online. We will only schedule a date/time for courses that request a final exam through our exam needs tool regardless of classroom preference. If a course does not fill out the exam needs tool, we will automatically assign a date/time. If a classroom is desired by a department, the total student capacity per room will be no greater than 65 and approval is required by the Office of the Provost. These approvals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and based on classroom availability. If you would like to seek approval, please email
- Any final exam section with 49 or less enrollment can choose to have a face-to-face exam or an online exam. We will automatically schedule all face-to-face exams at double or triple seating (depending on availability) regardless of seating type preference. If a course does not fill out the exam needs tool, we will automatically assign a date/time but we will not assign a classroom. A classroom can be added later, if needed, as availability allows.
Professional Colleges
We understand the Carver College of Medicine and the Colleges of Dentistry, Law, and Pharmacy maintain their own final exam schedules and generally do not follow the final exam schedule set by the Office of the Registrar.
We recognize that some departments offer courses that allow undergraduate student enrollment. You can request a final exam assignment from the Office of the Registrar for these course sections in order to reduce the likelihood of exam conflicts for undergraduate students. This can potentially help limit the need for makeup final exam arrangements by your instructors. Requests must be submitted by the deadline above.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email
Thank you!