Preparing and Implementing Captions for Student Accommodation Requirements
Wednesday, March 10 3 to 4 p.m.
ICON Gradebook
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Portfolios: Portfolium & Pressbooks
Multiple dates

How do you transform old office spaces and conference rooms into active learning classrooms that meet a growing need for virtual and hybrid course delivery?
That’s the challenge the A/V Design and Installation team tackled in the first phase of the UI College of Education’s capital project for Lindquist Center South.

Melanie King is always generating new ideas about her teaching. When she applied to be a graduate teaching fellow, she saw it as an opportunity to help those ideas come to fruition.
Today, she is a visiting assistant professor at Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, and refers to the fellowship as an investment in the future.

What if the next podcast you listened to could share practical advice from IT experts and provide perspectives from University of Iowa students? Check out EdTech Tips in 10, a new podcast from OTLT’s student instructional technology assistants (SITAs).

Building a community learning environment is vital to having impactful classroom discussions, but creating it can be difficult. Austin Holland, a PhD candidate in the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences and a graduate teaching fellow, will facilitate a conversation about how to make the most of lessons learned from teaching virtually in his workshop, Creating Community in Virtual Classes.


Considering using an eText for your course? By delivering content through the ICON course site, ICON Direct ensures that all students and instructors have access to content in a common, easily accessible location. Orders for fall 2021 should be placed by Monday, April 12.
OTLT Extras
Teaching Awards
Nominations for the Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards are due by noon on Friday, March 5.
In the News
The Center for Teaching's Keep Teaching Strategies podcast was recently featured in The Daily Iowan.