April 2023 Office News + Updates

Hello All,

We look forward to seeing you on April 7 for the All Staff Training and want to apologize for any confusion when that event was originally scheduled back in February. Input was received from several members of our team that they would like to have opportunities to get together in person again. Scheduling this training and lunch in person provides a time for staff to gather, learn, and spend time with colleagues that we don’t often see and for some, have yet to meet in person.      

The Office of the Registrar wants to create an open and transparent culture that engages our staff in the important work we do to support our campus and our students. Research suggests engaged employees forge strong connections to their roles, bring passion to their work, and become advocates for the university. 

We constantly seek opportunities to allow for employee engagement in the office, on campus, and more broadly in our profession while supporting personal and professional growth.

We hope the following information will help clarify events you will see popping up on your calendars.

Thank you!

Office Engagement

Black and gold icon of three people around a boardroom table.

The intent of these different gatherings is to promote healthy transparent communication and offer a variety of modalities to get information. While none of these gatherings is mandatory, it is expected that employees attend as their schedules and workloads permit.

We also have newsletters and mid-month updates to supplement the gatherings; however, all information is not guaranteed to be presented at every engagement opportunity whether virtual, in person, or in writing. The best way to get the most accurate information directly from the source is by engaging as much as possible.

Feedback is always welcome and can be directed to Sara Sullivan for follow-up.

Black and gold icon of an idea bubble with a lightbulb inside.

Fireside Chats: An informal chat on topics common to all parts of the office. The intention of the Fireside Chat is to engage in conversation and highlight how different areas of the office use common tools, strategies, or approaches to achieve a goal or task. Fireside Chats are merely meant for idea sharing by all staff so we can build upon the strengths and knowledge of our colleagues. 

Townhalls: Townhalls are used as strategic communication tools to present information on an initiative and subsequently engage in workgroup discussions. This forum uses questions and idea generation geared toward a specific project. Participation in townhalls is a great way for you to influence the office culture by sharing your thoughts and ideas. 

All Staff Trainings: Opportunities to engage in professional development as a staff member in the Office of the Registrar.

All Staff Meetings: Gatherings to disperse information relevant to the entire Office of the Registrar.

Supervisors Meetings: A meeting with individuals who hold supervisory positions in the Office of the Registrar.  

Black and gold icon of three stars.


We have two office anniversaries to celebrate this month.

Josh Hutchison has been with the Office of the Registrar for 15 years. Congratulations, Josh.

Jolene Cole is celebrating 40 years with the University of Iowa. We are lucky to have had her working in the Office of the Registrar for the last 10 years.

We thank you both for all you do!

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Migration to JIRA Cloud

This spring, the Office of the Registrar will be working with ITS to migrate our current JIRA project and requests to the cloud. This migration will provide opportunities for improved project management that supports our office structure, the management of department and collegiate requests, and future roadmap planning.

On April 14, active users of JIRA will be invited to a meeting to discuss the migration. Those staff members should receive a meeting invitation within the next couple of days. 

Icon of a person reading a book.

What We're Reading

We borrowed this idea from The Daily Iowan as a way to share some of the interesting stories we're reading related to things happening on campus and beyond. Please share what you're reading!

I am Here to Listen: Empathy Over Judgment

A New Mindset on Mental Health

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UCC Move Updates

Updates regarding progress in the 2900 suite at UCC were added on March 7, 14, 21, and 28 to the UCC Move Channel on Teams.

In addition, a document of the UCC space layout and finishes was uploaded on March 16.

Items of note from the most recent updates include:

  • Substantial completion date has been revised to April 7.
  • Move in date is still targeted between April 24 and 28.
  • It is expected that the signage may not be present upon our move in. Consideration of temporary signage solutions is underway.  

If you have further questions, please feel free to direct them to Renee, Julie, or your supervisor.

Black and gold icon of two hands in a handshake.

Collegiate Recovery Program

The Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) provides an environment that supports the therapeutic and educational needs of Iowa students who are considering recovery, in recovery, or wanting to support those in any stage of recovery from addiction.

Alcohol Awareness month is April 2023 and Collegiate Recovery Day is on Friday, April 14, 2023. The following programs look to bring together recovery allies at the University of Iowa and support students in recovery:

  • Recovery Ally Training: To bring awareness to the stigma often associated with substance use disorders and recovery CRP is offering three opportunities for faculty/staff Recovery Ally Training. Learn what it means to be a recovery ally. Registration is required and refreshments will be provided.
  • Collegiate Recovery Day Coffee and Conversation: Friday, April 14, 9–11 a.m.; IMU #256 Academics Room - Connect as a recovery community and bring awareness to Collegiate Recovery Day. Open to students, staff, and faculty in recovery or in support of recovery. Refreshments will be provided.
Icon of two people, one with an hand on the other's shoulder, offering support.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

April is Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month which aims to educate people, share resources, and bring together communities of survivors, supporters, and more. 

Learn more about additional campus DEI celebrations happening during the month of April.

The University of Iowa strives to create and sustain an equitable and inclusive campus environment for all faculty, staff, and students. The ways in which we  communicate with and speak to each other, within the state of Iowa, and beyond, sets the standard for the inclusiveness we aspire to. Below are some resources you may consider using support inclusivity in your communications.

  • University of Iowa's DEI Style Guide
  • Disability Language Style Guide from the National Center on Disability and Journalism
  • Use Microsoft Editor to not only track your spelling, grammar, and punctuation – and keep your writing concise and clear – but to identify words that reinforce harmful biases or have negative connotations. An article from The Throughline Blog gives instructions for adding inclusiveness checks.
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Discover Your University Spring 2023

Discover Your University helps Iowa faculty and staff discover great things happening around campus by offering sponsored visits to various UI sites. The program allows individuals and teams to experience the breadth of incredible work going on at the university and discover something new, surprising, or inspiring. Discover Your University supports UI strategic priorities of workplace engagement, employee well-being, and inclusion.

Black and gold icon of a piggy bank.

Did You Know?

University of Iowa Senior Vice President for Finance and Operations Rod Lehnertz provides a high level overview of how the university budget works. The video reviews revenue sources, how money is spent, the difference between self-sustaining units and those funded through tuition and state aid, along with answers to several other common questions.

Watch the University of Iowa Budget Model, Explained.

Transportation Updates

The Iowa Department of Transportation plans to reconstruct the interchange at I-80 exit 242 and 1st Avenue with a diverging diamond interchange (DDI). Project work has begun, so expect delays in this area.

The University of Iowa’s door-to-door, demand-response Bionic Bus service can now be scheduled on the free Cambus Now app. The new scheduling software allows students, faculty, or staff with a qualifying disability navigating campus to easily schedule trips, view live bus locations, and receive trip notifications directly from their phones.

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