No Textbooks or Resources Reported for Fall 2021

Office of the Registrar

No Textbooks or Resources Reported for Spring 2021

The following email is being sent to all Academic Departmental Administrators (ADA) listed in each department. Please disregard this email if you are listed as an ADA, but don't serve in a role that works with textbooks or resources.

Herky Hawk

You are receiving the following email as textbooks and/or resources have not been submitted for the following Spring 2021 courses:


A similar email will be sent to the primary instructor of the course(s) above around October 29. If you or the instructor have placed a textbook or resource order with the bookstore for these courses and feel that this message was sent in error, please contact the bookstore. The contact information is listed below.

The Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) requires that book titles, ISBN numbers and prices of required and recommended books and other materials for any course are included on the institution's electronic schedule of courses in time for student registration.

As a reminder, textbook orders are not replicated and thus require a new order to be placed each semester.



The Office of the Provost encourages instructors to place their textbook order by Early Registration with either the Iowa Hawk Shop/University Bookstore, Iowa Book, Prairie Lights, or the ISBA Law Bookstore as the result of an electronic data upload process. 

Spring Deadlines

All textbook and resource orders should be finalized in MAUI by Early Registration (November 30, 2020), but in no event later than four weeks prior to the start of the semester (December 28, 2020) in which the textbook is to be used by students.


ICON Direct

ICON Direct is the University of Iowa's initiative for ordering digital content from specific publishers and delivering this content to students and faculty.

More information on ICON Direct
ICON Direct and Unizin Textbook Ordering
ICON Direct and Unizin Order Tool Presentation

Cost Free for Students

Is a resource free to students or considered an Open Educational Resource? Contact a departmental administrator to mark your resource as "Cost Free to Student" within the "Other Resources and Additional Information". 

Cost Free for Students Materials
Open Educational Resources

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