Learn about different majors

Tip of the week: Find your study spot

Check out all the great socially distant study spots on campus. Whether it is an on-campus spot or coffee shop, you're sure to find one you enjoy.

Harvest Dinner Themed Meal - September 28

Join us for a Harvest Dinner theme meal! Happening in Burge, Catlett, and Hillcrest Market Places.

Work for University Dining

Make campus connections, have a flexible work schedule, and earn competitive pay. Did you know that every dining student employee now starts out at $11.00 per hour? Apply to work for us today!

Get involved in your hall

Are you looking to make a positive change for students living in the residence halls? Get involved in your hall by joining Associated Residence Halls (ARH). By joining you'll connect with others, develop intentional programming, and gain leadership skills.

Embedded therapists and Let's Talk Hawks

Did you know that there is free counseling within or close to our residence halls? Embedded therapists and University Counseling Services are great resources for you to get the support you need. Learn more about scheduling an appointment.

Let’s Talk, Hawks are opportunities to have brief, drop-in conversations where you can ask mental health questions, problem solve, or obtain resources from our therapists. Happening on Zoom throughout the fall 2021 semester. 

Important dates, deadlines, and events

  • September 28: Harvest Dinner themed meal
  • September 28: Student Wellness Cooking Workshop at 7:00 p.m. You'll learn how to make easy, tasty, and affordable recipes. 
  • October 1-3: Interested in becoming a lifeguard? Sign up for a certification course today!
  • October 2021: Throughout the month of October, UH&D will be conducting photoshoots to showcase life on campus and is looking for students interested in modeling. Any student can participate! Students that participate get $10.00 Hawk Dollars added to their account for each shoot they model for. Want to sign up? Contact megan-yoder@uiowa.edu.
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